Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

Showing 17–32 of 267 results

  • Protect your practice from the many forms of fraud

    Winter 2023
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 575

    Abstract: It’s estimated that the average organization loses 5% of its annual revenue to fraud. Physician practices are no exception. Various types of malfeasance can not only hurt a practice financially, but also severely damage its reputation. This article explains the importance of protecting a medical practice against fraud by employees, vendors, patients and other individuals. The article suggests several preventive measures that may help, including implementing strong internal controls and cross-training.

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  • Should you use social media as a marketing tool?

    Winter 2023
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 488

    Abstract: Social media marketing isn’t for every practice. But if used carefully and skillfully as a marketing tool, social media can be a relatively inexpensive way of reaching current and prospective patients. This article looks at the pros and cons of using social media, and lists some essential best practices to ensure the optimum outcome. The article notes that to stay competitive in today’s sophisticated technological environment, many medical practices have established a social media presence.

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  • How to pick a new practice associate or partner

    Winter 2023
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 748

    Abstract: Sooner or later, a growing medical practice will need to take on another associate or partner to support that growth and keep the practice profitable long term. Of course, there is always a risk of picking the wrong person and throwing a wrench into the works. This article offers some ways to help ensure a mutually beneficial and successful working relationship, including asking pertinent questions and choosing the right compensation structure.

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  • Shooting for the stars – Use positive reviews to attract new patients

    Winter 2023
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 869

    Abstract: As business is increasingly conducted virtually, whether it involves shopping, banking or medical visits, among the best ways to attract new patients to a practice is via online reviews. Online reviews from other consumers — or patients — provide guidance that many people trust. This article suggests that medical practices should request online reviews as part of patient surveys. It points out that just as businesses rely on surveys and online reviews to market themselves and improve their products and services, physician practices can do the same. A sidebar provides some sample review questions.

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  • 6 ways to refine your bedside manner

    Fall 2022
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 464

    Abstract: In the current health care environment, physicians are encouraged to see more patients in less time. At the same time, because of a retail-like mindset that transforms patients into customers, there can be even more competition with other physicians. Doing it all requires doctors to improve their interactions with patients — which, of course, also helps with patient compliance and retention. This article offers six tips to help physicians improve their bedside manner.

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  • How to alleviate staffing shortages and find good employees

    Fall 2022
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 632

    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic created changes in the workforce — and in work habits in general — that might never revert to previous conditions. However, people will always need to work, and many will be interested in good jobs in the health care field. This article offers four steps medical practices can take to help alleviate staff shortages and ensure their practices become “destination employers” that draw the strongest job candidates.

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  • Reviewing your revenue cycle and adjusting as necessary

    Fall 2022
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 693

    Abstract: All the good patient care in the world will mean nothing to a medical practice if its revenue cycle collapses and it has to close down. Indeed, over time, a malfunctioning revenue cycle can drag a practice to a halt. This article points out that it’s important to periodically evaluate the revenue cycle and make any adjustments necessary to keep it operating well.

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  • Virtual visits: Making telehealth work for your practice

    Fall 2022
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 725

    Abstract: Telehealth visits probably peaked during the first couple years of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, some level of telemedicine appears to be here to stay, depending on the type of medical practice. Clearly, many medical professionals will need to continue using virtual to some degree. This article suggests that it’s important to develop successful strategies to ensure these visits are as smooth and efficient as possible. A sidebar explains how to prepare patients for telehealth visits.

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  • Hello and welcome! Decreasing your no-show rate

    Summer 2022
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 444

    Abstract: Every medical practice has its share of “no-shows,” when a patient misses an appointment without canceling in advance. No-show rates can range from 15% to as much as 30%, and the costs can add up. This article offers seven tips medical practices can use to reduce the number of no-shows. It points out that while missed appointments are a fact of life for any practice, it’s possible to diminish their impact on scheduling and find ways to decrease how often they occur.

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  • The ins and outs of Medicare audits

    Summer 2022
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 618

    Abstract: Medicare audits are an unpleasant fact of life for physicians and their medical practices. In today’s highly automated environment, in which claims data can be analyzed quickly and easily, any physician who practices medicine long enough will almost certainly wind up at the receiving end of one. This article offers suggestions on how physicians can ensure they withstand a Medicare audit — and come out on top by staying aware of how audits work and knowing how to respond to one.

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  • Are you suffering from revenue leakage?

    Summer 2022
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 658

    Abstract: In the face of constant reimbursement headwinds, efficient and effective fiscal policies are vital to prevent revenue leakage in a medical practice. This article suggests ways to tighten up business practices, including having a solid cash flow system and delving into the details of payer contracts. It notes that it’s important for any medical practice to stay on top of all these issues to avoid being blindsided by a problem that could have been avoided.

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  • Not bigger, better – How to safely grow your medical practice

    Summer 2022
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 856

    Abstract: In the context of a medical practice, more patients aren’t necessarily better — especially if the practice can’t handle the load, staff stress levels are high and morale is low. If a practice has more patients than it can handle and it still isn’t profitable, growth clearly isn’t helping matters. This article suggests that physicians need to redefine “growth” as “profitability.” It looks at several ways a medical practice can improve profitability, including optimizing volume and using targeted marketing. A brief sidebar notes some key performance indicators to use.

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  • Tips for hiring the best staff for your practice

    Spring 2022
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 422

    Abstract: Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit our economy, labor issues have become paramount for many businesses, including medical practices. Many are struggling to find good staff but not receiving enough good applications. This article explains that physician practices might need to reconsider their search requirements — not to lower their expectations, but to rethink exactly what they’re looking for to ensure the staff they hire are a good fit.

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  • How to choose the right scheduling approach

    Spring 2022
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 674

    Abstract: Among the top patient complaints is waiting too long to see a doctor. And with good reason — many practices simply don’t implement good scheduling methods. This article highlights three broad types of scheduling schemes: the traditional, or standardized, method; the wave, or steady stream, approach; and the modified wave approach. The article notes that practices need to weigh specific factors, such as the type of practice it is and whether most care provided is routine or specialized, when deciding which type of scheduling would work best.

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  • Starting a new practice? Be sure to write a business plan

    Spring 2022
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 662

    Abstract: Many beginning medical practices have been faced with both financial and practical challenges over the past two years because of the many effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. They can’t casually assume that, if they treat patients and pay the bills on time, their new practices will be fine. They need to plan their operations strategically — and creating a business plan can help provide them with a blueprint for success.

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  • Getting a good reception – 5 signs your front desk has a problem

    Spring 2022
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 798

    Abstract: A medical practice’s front desk is the first face-to-face interaction patients have with staff, and first impressions matter. It’s important for physicians to be aware of any potential problems in the reception area and address them. The article points out that front desk issues can negatively affect a medical practice, possibly reducing patient retention — and the practice’s bottom line. A sidebar offers some pertinent questions to ask on patient surveys.

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