Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

Showing 193–208 of 267 results

  • Practice Notes — The art of practicing evidence-based medicine

    Winter 2012
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 469

    Abstract: Evidence-based medicine (EBM) has focused on the treatment of inpatients in hospital settings. But it’s clear that it’s just as valid for outpatients in physician practices. Several provisions outlined in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) give physicians the incentive to practice this brand of medicine. This article describes some of the basics of EBM, while a sidebar shows where to find more information.

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  • Get ready for a RAC attack

    Winter 2012
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 859

    Abstract: Medicare’s Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) programs are now operational in all 50 states — and beginning Jan. 1, 2012, all states must have RAC programs in place to identify improper payments for Medicaid services. Furthermore, the audits are now focusing on outpatient settings as well as inpatient. So all physician practices that submit claims to these federal programs will likely be reviewed at some point by a RAC. This article shows what happens if a RAC determines an overpayment has been made to a practice, and how the appeal process works. It also shows how to prepare for an audit, while a sidebar lists the four RAC contractors and their assigned territories.

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  • Budget problems? — Get a handle on soaring costs

    Winter 2012
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 712

    Abstract: At a time when practices everywhere are being squeezed by the faltering economy and the need to provide top dollar for top-notch physicians — yet while overhead costs seem to be climbing higher and higher — it’s more essential than ever to contain costs. This article shows how to negotiate for better prices; determine that the practice is being staffed most cost-efficiently; and re-evaluate health insurance costs.

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  • How to select malpractice coverage and evaluate carriers

    Winter 2012
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 807

    Abstract: Selecting the terms of medical malpractice coverage is a complex, critical task, as is evaluating insurance carriers. This article discusses the amounts of coverage necessary and the types to choose from. It also describes important provisions that physician practices should scrutinize closely, and explains how to choose the right insurance carrier.

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  • Practice Notes – The pros and cons of leaving insurers’ provider panels

    Fall 2011
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 480

    Abstract:  Many physicians are seeing fewer advantages to remaining on an insurance company’s provider panel. They’re opting instead to become out-of-network providers for the same insurer. They do so because, in addition to avoiding billing and payment headaches that come with health plan relationships, out-of-network status can lead to higher reimbursement rates. But, as this article explains, there are risks to consider as well.

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  • Staff engagement leads to staff loyalty

    Fall 2011
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 760

    Abstract: Employees are motivated by more than monetary compensation. Well-run practices also meet many other needs, thereby creating a critical component of any successful organization — the engaged employee. This article discusses the importance of offering employees nonmonetary rewards that are tailored to each individual. A sidebar notes that exit interviews can be helpful to learn lessons from employees who decide to leave.

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  • Protect your practice – Use a buy-sell agreement to minimize disputes

    Fall 2011
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 799

    Abstract: In the wake of health care reform, practices may be flooded with new patients, so it may be advisable to hire one or more physicians to help with the workload. If so, and if these physicians intend to take an ownership share of the practice, it’s important to make sure each one signs a buy-sell agreement. Why? Because it can protect a practice from disgruntled physicians and minimize disputes should they arise. This article addresses such issues as defining and appraising the practice’s assets, dividing practice income among partners, practice control issues and other considerations.

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  • 12 tips for negotiating physician employment agreements

    Fall 2011
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 683

    Abstract: Until they become partner-owners, most physicians have an employment relationship with their physician group. When it’s time to negotiate or renegotiate an employment contract, there are critical issues that must be understood and settled. A written physician employment agreement can make sure each physician understands and is comfortable with every contract provision. This article offers 12 common provisions that should be included in a practice’s contracts to address such issues as compensation, relocation loans and restrictive covenants.

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  • Practice Notes – When it’s time to sell, you’ll know

    Summer 2011
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 483

    Abstract: There’s an increasing trend of hospital ownership of physician practices. This article discusses the pros and cons of selling a practice, along with specific considerations a physician should take into account if a hospital expresses interest in his or her practice.

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  • Clinical comanagement – A relationship based on trust

    Summer 2011
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 595

    Abstract: Clinical comanagement, whereby a hospital buys or contracts for physician-led management services, is a significant step toward integrating operations — which is fundamental to health care system reforms. But it’s important to be mindful of the legal and practical factors involved. This article looks at the two forms of comanagement, along with the obligations of both hospitals and physicians. It also discusses a few of the legal considerations.

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  • Is your practice at risk? – How to identify areas susceptible to error or negligence

    Summer 2011
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 739

    Abstract: Many practices are allowing revenue to fly out the window at alarming rates simply because their billing and coding processes aren’t up to snuff. But an internal billing and coding audit can put a stop to it. This article explains why these audits are important, how to bring together a team of individuals to oversee the process, and what steps they need to perform.

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  • Making the business case for EHR implementation

    Summer 2011
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 949

    Abstract: Most of the literature that promotes the installation of an electronic health records (EHR) system emphasizes the clinical benefits it will produce. Yet there appear to be plenty of valid business reasons for investing in such a system. This article looks at studies that offer varying types of EHR-related data, such as how EHR systems are being used, the experiences that physicians are having with them, and the costs involved. A sidebar lists many nonclinical benefits of EHR.

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  • Practice Notes – Using social media to connect with patients

    Spring 2011
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 501

    Abstract: A growing number of physician practices are turning to social media to share critical information with their patients and colleagues, network with other practices, demonstrate their expertise, promote and provide health education, and boost their practice’s reputation and visibility. But, before they step into this world, it’s critical that they and their entire staff understand the legal and ethical risks. This article lists a number of protective steps to take, and offers two organizational resources for further guidance.

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  • Become lean and mean with lean principles

    Spring 2011
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 786

    Abstract: The concept of lean management has been applied for over a decade to other industries, and it’s now making its way to health care. The essence of lean management is doing more with less. It may be just the tool a practice needs in this time of cost pressures, reduced reimbursements, quality concerns and reform initiatives.  This article lists examples of waste that lean principles can address, and describes Value Stream Mapping — an important tool in introducing a lean management program to a health care practice.

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  • Get all you’re due – Make it a point to regularly examine your fee schedule

    Spring 2011
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 587

    Abstract: With countless changes being thrust upon physicians in the wake of health care reform, and reimbursements still lagging behind the actual cost of delivering health care, their only salvation may be a well-thought-out fee schedule that’s structured for maximum benefit. This article offers some tips for ensuring that a practice gets all that it’s due.

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  • Employee theft: Don’t take chances with your practice

    Spring 2011
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 1065

    Abstract: Because medical practices are often an easy target, the amount of money that employees steal can quickly cripple a practice. This article lists several internal controls that a physician practice should include, and discusses how to screen employees, conduct surprise audits and train staff. A sidebar lists the steps that should be taken when employee fraud is discovered.

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