Showing 17–18 of 18 results

  • Recruiting physicians as employees vs. potential partners – What are the tradeoffs?

    Fall 2008
    Newsletter: Rx for Practice Management / Practice Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 891

    Abstract: A physician who joins a private practice may expect to be offered the opportunity to buy into the practice and become a partner. There are major pitfalls in that option, however, which may make employment a better choice — for both the physician and your group. This article debates the “employee vs. partner” issue so you can better understand the tradeoffs when recruiting new physicians. A sidebar offers tips on what you should look for when interviewing potential candidates for a partnership position. (Updated 8/29/12)

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  • Diabetes and the ADA

    September / October 2008
    Newsletter: Employment Law Briefing

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 891

    Abstract: The question before the court was whether an employee’s Type II diabetes interfered with the major life activity of eating, qualifying her as disabled under the Americans with Disabilities Act. This article discusses why the court held that a trial was necessary to establish the facts. A sidebar to this article discusses why the Sixth Circuit held that diabetes wasn’t a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act in the case of a plaintiff who failed to prove that he was substantially limited in the major life activities of seeing and caring for himself. Robbins v. WXIX Raycom Media, S.D. Ohio, No. 1:06cv278, 3/5/08. Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Kentucky, Inc. v. Williams, 534 U.S. 184 (2002). McPherson v. Federal Express Corp., No. 03-2006B, 2005 WL 3008648 (W.D. Tenn. Nov. 8, 2005).

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