Showing all 13 results

  • Do your assets include unregistered securities? This asset class requires special planning

    February / March 2024
    Newsletter: Insight on Estate Planning

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 705

    Abstract: When it comes to estate planning, addressing all assets should be a priority. However, certain assets require greater attention than others. For example, if one’s assets include unregistered securities, such as restricted stock or interests in hedge funds or private equity funds, the securities law implications of various estate planning strategies must be taken into account. This article gives an overview of the securities laws and offers strategies for transferring securities as gifts or to a trust.

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  • Winning with year-end tax-saving strategies

    September / October 2021
    Newsletter: Dealer Insights

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 705

    Abstract: Making good use of tax strategies can be key to improving a dealership’s bottom line. It’s important for dealerships to take advantage of any possible strategies for reducing taxes before year end so they’re able to start the new year strongly. This article highlights several such tactics, including making use of available deductions and potential write-offs.

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  • 3 ways to strengthen your store’s overall performance

    May / June 2018
    Newsletter: Dealer Insights

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 705

    Abstract: Ask dealership owners whether they’d like to strengthen their business’s overall performance and you’ll likely get a resounding, “Yes, of course!” But not all factors that affect performance are under the dealer’s direct control. This article focuses on controllable goals that help bolster dealership performance: bolstering customer loyalty, boosting employee satisfaction and conducting business and strategic planning.

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  • Do you know the secret to a strong cash flow?

    April / May 2017
    Newsletter: Trendlines

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 705

    Abstract: Effectively managing cash inflows and outflows doesn’t happen without strong intent and conscious planning. This article looks at the most important considerations for creating and maintaining strong cash flow, including the sales and disbursements cycles, and accounting and financial statement considerations.

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  • Do you know the secret to a strong cash flow?

    Spring 2017
    Newsletter: Management & Tax Concepts

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 705

    Abstract: Effectively managing cash inflows and outflows doesn’t happen without strong intent and conscious planning. This article looks at the most important considerations for creating and maintaining strong cash flow, including the sales and disbursements cycles, and accounting and financial statement considerations.

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  • 3 year-end tax-planning tips for business owners

    October / November 2016
    Newsletter: Focus

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 705

    Abstract: Before the end of the year, many business owners can take a few steps to ensure their businesses pay no more than their fair share of taxes. This article shares three tips that aren’t difficult to implement and could make a significant difference, including deferring income into next year or accelerating expenses into this year, and using the research credit.

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  • New lease accounting standards arrive – How this long-awaited guidance might affect your dealership

    July / August 2016
    Newsletter: Dealer Insights

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 705

    Abstract: The FASB has finally issued new guidance for lease accounting. Accounting Standards Update (ASU) No. 2016-02 will require dealerships that lease real estate, vehicles, equipment and other assets for more than one year to report lease obligations as fixed-asset liabilities on their balance sheets. This article discusses what will be different under the new standard and how these changes could affect auto dealerships.

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  • International relations – Estate planning for noncitizens

    September / October 2013
    Newsletter: Estate Planner

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 705

    Abstract: For U.S. citizens, the federal gift and estate tax rules are relatively straightforward: Citizens are subject to U.S. transfer taxes on their worldwide assets. They’re also entitled to a generous lifetime gift and estate tax exemption, an annual gift tax exclusion, and a marital deduction that allows spouses to transfer unlimited amounts of property to each other tax-free. For noncitizens, however, it’s more complicated. If a significant amount of their wealth is situated in the United States, their heirs may be facing a substantial estate tax bill. This article discusses the determination of situs and eligibility for the marital deduction and looks at options to minimize adverse tax consequences.

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  • New 3.8% tax on investment income: What you need to know

    July / August 2013
    Newsletter: Planning for Prosperity / Wealth Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 705

    Abstract: Those who have income from investments may have to pay a new tax imposed by the 2010 health care act: the 3.8% net investment income tax (NIIT, also known as the Medicare contribution tax). The NIIT took effect on Jan. 1, 2013, and is in addition to — and calculated separately from — one’s regular income tax or alternative minimum tax liability. This article discusses who is subject to the tax, what income is and is not excluded from the NIIT, how the tax is calculated, and what strategies can minimize or avoid NIIT liability.

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  • Employee fraud – How to prevent the “inside job”

    July / August 2013
    Newsletter: Dealer Insights

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 705

    Abstract: Alarming accounts of employee fraud at auto dealerships are, unfortunately, not unusual. This article discusses ways to prevent fraud. It discusses avoiding having one person being in charge of multiple financial duties; limiting access to the inventory system; and other safeguards.

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  • Are your contracts choking your cash flow?

    November / December 2012
    Newsletter: Contractor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 705

    Abstract: Construction contracts — or, rather, the language therein — can start choking cash flow before work even begins. This article looks at some points to consider before signing on the next dotted line. It discusses negotiating a front-loaded billing schedule, achieving flexibility in retainage, clarifying the change order process, and matching cash outlays with receipts from the owner or general contractor.

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  • Valuation relief for IP headaches

    May / June 2011
    Newsletter: Advocate's Edge / Litigation Support

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 705

    Abstract: Intellectual property (IP) is a significant source of value for many companies these days, but it can be a pain to appraise. In fact, the three most commonly applied valuation methods — market, income and cost — aren’t always effective when valuing IP. In many cases, professional valuators turn to the relief from royalty (RFR) method for these tricky assets. This article explains why the RFR method can be effective.

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  • Do you really have the homeowner’s coverage you need?

    April / May 2008
    Newsletter: Focus

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 705

    Abstract: A homeowner’s insurance policy is designed to cover your home and personal belongings in the case of theft or damage. But do you know whether you really have the coverage you need? This article explains why it’s critical to review your policy regularly so you know whether it’s time to buy additional coverage or switch insurers. A sidebar offers tips on how to ask your insurer for a better deal.

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