Showing 1–16 of 30 results

  • Read up on DBA rules before bidding on public jobs

    Winter 2024
    Newsletter: Construction Industry Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 668

    Abstract: Construction companies that perform on federally funded projects must grapple with the Davis-Bacon Act (DBA), which sets worker compensation based on the prevailing wage rates in the area. Most states have similar rules. It’s critical for contractors to know all applicable rules so they can prepare accurate bids and manage labor costs. This article discusses the latest DBA rules, which apply to contracts entered into after October 23, 2023.

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  • How to manage cloud costs

    February / March 2024
    Newsletter: Focus

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 668

    Abstract: Many businesses are surprised by the bills they receive for their cloud usage. This article suggests some steps a business can take to help its organization control its cloud spending and get a handle on cloud operations, costs and value — including setting a budget for and tracking cloud usage, and applying procurement controls. The article notes that regularly fine-tuning cloud management efforts will help a business use its cloud resources efficiently and effectively.

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  • How do federal infrastructure bids work?

    Spring 2023
    Newsletter: Construction Industry Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 668

    Abstract: Like a full bottle of ketchup, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act has been slow to dispense the many construction projects anticipated. However, confidence is high that more and more federally funded jobs are going to emerge in the coming year if they haven’t already. This article reviews the two most common bidding methods for public projects: sealed bidding and contracting by negotiation.

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  • Use crowdfunding to jump-start your business

    April / May 2023
    Newsletter: Focus

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 668

    Abstract: For a business that could use additional funding — perhaps to launch itself or to introduce a new product — “crowdfunding” might be a solution. This article explains that crowdfunding refers to raising money using online platforms. It lists the various types of crowdfunding available, such as rewards-based and equity-based, and notes some laws and regulations relevant to the crowdfunding model.

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  • Patent’s on-sale bar drains damages

    August / September 2022
    Newsletter: Ideas on Intellectual Property Law

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 668

    Abstract: There can be a fine legal line between providing a quote and an offer for sale. An inventor recently learned this lesson the hard way in Junker v. Medical Components, Inc. — and it resulted in the invalidation of his patent and the reversal of a hefty infringement damages award. This article reviews the patent’s on-sale bar and how the patent holder ran afoul of it. Junker v. Medical Components, Inc., No. 21-1649 (Fed. Cir. Feb. 10, 2022).

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  • How to keep states from taxing you twice

    March / April 2021
    Newsletter: Planning for Prosperity / Wealth Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 668

    Abstract: Federal law doesn’t explicitly prohibit multiple states from attempting to collect tax on the same income. So people who live and work in more than one state and want to prevent double taxation may need to take action. This article explains the difference between domicile and residence and how establishing domicile in one state can minimize unnecessary taxes.

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  • Implement a turnaround strategy that works

    March / April 2021
    Newsletter: Real Estate Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 668

    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected many communities across the country. Businesses that had been thriving are barely breaking even; others have been closed permanently. This can create a vicious cycle: Property owners in financial trouble because of a loss of tenants may allow buildings to fall into disrepair. This then causes remaining tenants to leave, leading to the owner losing even more money and possibly the property. This article reviews steps real estate investors can take to help stop the cycle and even turn it around.

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  • Subsequent events: What was “known or knowable” on the valuation date?

    January / February 2021
    Newsletter: Viewpoint on Value

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 668

    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the value of many privately held businesses. When valuing a business in today’s uncertain conditions, experts must put themselves in the shoes of hypothetical investors and consider only relevant information that was known (or knowable) on the valuation date. This article explains the general rules about when events that happen after the valuation date may be considered in a valuation and how the pandemic is muddying this issue.

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  • Subsequent events: What was “known or knowable” on the valuation date?

    January / February 2021
    Newsletter: Valuation & Litigation Briefing / Litigation & Valuation Report

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 668

    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the value of many privately held businesses. When valuing a business in today’s uncertain conditions, experts must put themselves in the shoes of hypothetical investors and consider only relevant information that was known (or knowable) on the valuation date. This article explains the general rules about when events that happen after the valuation date may be considered in a valuation and how the pandemic is muddying this issue.

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  • How to value a distressed business

    September / October 2020
    Newsletter: Advocate's Edge / Litigation Support

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 668

    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many businesses around the globe to struggle financially. Distressed businesses present challenges during the valuation process. This article explains how business valuation experts tailor their analyses to address these challenges.

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  • Don’t put payroll management on autopilot

    Summer 2020
    Newsletter: Law Firm Management

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 668

    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown the economy for a loop. Many law firms have had to trim expenses and furlough employees. Laying off or decreasing pay for support staff, associates and partners can add payroll tasks to your workload. If your firm is reducing people on the payroll or outsourcing work to independent contractors, there are several issues management should review carefully. This article covers what you need to know about payroll management during this uncertain time.

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  • How the SECURE Act could affect retirement planning

    Summer 2020
    Newsletter: Management & Tax Concepts

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 668

    Abstract: In late 2019, landmark legislation was signed into law that will impact retirement planning for millions of Americans. The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act will make it easier to save money for a financially secure retirement. This article discusses the Act’s beneficial provisions as well as one provision that isn’t helpful: the elimination of “stretch” IRAs.

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  • The 411 on IoT: Everything is connected

    Winter 2019
    Newsletter: On-Site

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 668

    Abstract: Today, everything is connected — from refrigerators to HVAC to security systems. This phenomenon is known as the Internet of Things (IoT), and it’s a topic on which virtually every contractor should gain some expertise. This article discusses how to get up to speed on IoT and how this technology will likely affect the construction industry going forward.

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  • Americans with Disabilities Act – When can employers require physical examinations?

    January / February 2018
    Newsletter: Employment Law Briefing

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 668

    Abstract: A prospective full-time employee was required to take a physical examination by an employer. When he didn’t pass it, the job offer was revoked and his temporary position was terminated. As this article explains, the Tenth Circuit’s decision as to whether the employer had violated the Americans with Disabilities Act hinged on the position’s essential job functions. Iselin v. Bama Companies, Inc., No. 16-5132, May 26, 2017 (10th Cir.)

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  • Highlighting the difference between FMLA leave and vacation

    May / June 2017
    Newsletter: Employment Law Briefing

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 668

    Abstract: When an employee was discharged after taking time off from work, he sued his former employer for violating the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). This article discusses the Fourth Circuit case, including why the court distinguished between medically necessary FMLA leave and vacation. Sharif v. United Airlines, Inc., No. 15-1747, October 31, 2016 (4th Cir.)

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  • Nonprofit life cycle – Challenges and opportunities mark growth stage

    Fall 2016
    Newsletter: Profitable Solutions for Nonprofits

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 668

    Abstract: A nonprofit’s growth stage — beginning two or three years after “birth” and continuing until “maturation” at around age seven — isn’t without challenges. But this period also comes with a sense of accomplishment and the opportunity to diversify and bring in new staff and donors as the organization comes into its own. This article discusses the evolution of the organization’s mission, staff and finances.

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