Showing 1–16 of 18 results

  • Using the H-2B visa program to fill labor gaps

    January / February 2024
    Newsletter: Contractor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 555

    Abstract: As construction companies continue to do battle with a skilled labor shortage, many contractors have to look near and far for available workers. Regarding the latter option, construction businesses might want to explore the federal H-2B guest worker visa program. This article provides an overview of how the program works.

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  • Using the H-2B visa program to fill labor gaps

    Winter 2024
    Newsletter: On-Site

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 555

    Abstract: As construction companies continue to do battle with a skilled labor shortage, many contractors have to look near and far for available workers. Regarding the latter option, construction businesses might want to explore the federal H-2B guest worker visa program. This article provides an overview of how the program works.

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  • Focus on fraud in M&A transactions

    November / December 2022
    Newsletter: Viewpoint on Value

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 555

    Abstract: Due diligence is a critical part of the merger and acquisition process — and one key area of concern is fraud risk. Financial statement manipulation can sometimes make the target appear more valuable than it really is. Likewise, weak fraud policies, internal controls and cybersecurity practices can be ticking time bombs for an unwary buyer. This article explains how a forensic accountant can help evaluate a target’s fraud risk and look for signs of earnings manipulation and other accounting irregularities.

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  • Focus on fraud in M&A transactions

    November / December 2022
    Newsletter: Valuation & Litigation Briefing / Litigation & Valuation Report

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 555

    Abstract: Due diligence is a critical part of the merger and acquisition process — and one key area of concern is fraud risk. Financial statement manipulation can sometimes make the target appear more valuable than it really is. Likewise, weak fraud policies, internal controls and cybersecurity practices can be ticking time bombs for an unwary buyer. This article explains how a forensic accountant can help evaluate a target’s fraud risk and look for signs of earnings manipulation and other accounting irregularities.

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  • Is disability income taxable?

    November 2021
    Newsletter: Tax & Business Alert

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 555

    Abstract: Many Americans receive disability income, and the question is often asked: Is it taxable? The short answer is: That depends on who paid for it. This article details how and when taxes may apply. A sidebar discusses how much disability coverage an individual may need.

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  • 6 factors to evaluate before bidding on an infrastructure project

    November / December 2020
    Newsletter: Contractor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 555

    Abstract: As of this writing, the construction industry continues to await passage of a federal infrastructure bill. Some states, however, have been pushing ahead with initiatives of their own. This article explores six factors that construction companies should evaluate before bidding on a public infrastructure project.

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  • How a living will helps ensure your last wishes are carried out

    May / June 2020
    Newsletter: Planning for Prosperity / Wealth Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 555

    Abstract: Living wills specify what should occur and who should make medical decisions should someone become seriously ill and unable to make decisions for him- or herself. As this article details, two other documents, a durable power of attorney for property and a health care power of attorney, usually are drafted at the same time.

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  • Consider the flexibility of a self-directed IRA

    August 2019
    Newsletter: Tax & Business Alert

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 555

    Abstract: Traditional and Roth IRAs can be relatively “safe” retirement-savings vehicles, depending on what they’re invested in. But a drawback is that they limit investment choices. This article looks at an alternative: self-directed IRAs, which provide more flexibility in investment choices but also come with a greater risk. A sidebar examines the IRA’s role in estate planning.

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  • Project management solutions may lie in the cloud

    Summer 2018
    Newsletter: On-Site

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 555

    Abstract: When project team members can’t easily obtain data, the result is often wasted time and duplicated efforts. To prevent this problem, many top-level contractors are using cloud-based project management systems. This article examines common roadblocks to project management and how these solutions can help.

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  • Patent apportionment: Don’t double count damages!

    May / June 2018
    Newsletter: Valuation & Litigation Briefing / Litigation & Valuation Report

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 555

    Abstract: When calculating reasonable royalty damages in patent infringement cases, experts are often called upon to “apportion” the royalty base among multiple patents or between infringing and noninfringing products or product features. This article summarizes a federal district court case that excluded a damages expert’s testimony on Daubert grounds because her apportionment methodology improperly inflated the royalty base. Finjan, Inc. v. Sophos, Inc., No. 14­cv­01197­WHO (N.D. Cal., Aug. 15, 2016) Finjan, Inc. v. Sophos, Inc., No. 14­cv­01197­WHO, No. 324 (N.D. Cal. Sept. 8, 2016)

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  • Do you have your own wealth management plan?

    May 2018
    Newsletter: Tax & Business Alert

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 555

    Abstract: Everyone should have a wealth management plan. But taking a boilerplate approach could prevent you from achieving your specific goals. This article raises some key points to consider when devising a truly customized plan.

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  • Managing volatility by combining cyclical and defensive stocks

    January / February 2017
    Newsletter: Planning for Prosperity / Wealth Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 555

    Abstract: Diversification across asset classes tends to produce the most favorable risk/return profile for investment portfolios. But even among equities, different types of stocks can perform differently. This article explains the difference between cyclical and defensive stocks and how investors can use them in their portfolios.

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  • When investment income counts as UBI

    Summer 2016
    Newsletter: Profitable Solutions for Nonprofits

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 555

    Abstract: Dividends, interest, rents, annuities and other investment income are generally excluded when one is calculating unrelated business income tax. But tax law provides two exceptions where such income will indeed be deemed taxable: debt-financed property and income from controlled organizations. This article explains those exceptions.

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  • International estate planning: Handle with care

    November / December 2014
    Newsletter: Tax Impact

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 555

    Abstract: If a spouse is a non-U.S. citizen, different rules apply to the couple’s estate plan. One misstep can lead to unpleasant tax surprises. The tax treatment of noncitizens depends on whether they’re “domiciled” in the United States. And their country of domicile depends on their particular facts and circumstances. In general, however, the IRS views a person as a U.S. domiciliary if he or she lives in the United States — even briefly — with no present intention of moving. This article explains the rules.

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  • Collectibles and taxes: Be prepared for the consequences

    June / July 2014
    Newsletter: Focus

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 555

    Abstract: Recent popular television shows have demonstrated just how valuable some collectibles can be. Of course, they’re also valuable to the IRS, which has developed guidelines that govern the taxes imposed on sales of collectibles and the deductions allowed when collectibles are donated to qualified charities. This article describes some of the details.

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  • The future is now – How to prepare for value-based reimbursement

    Summer 2013
    Newsletter: Vital Signs

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 555

    Abstract: Private insurers and the government are increasingly pushing for value-based reimbursement (VBR) of providers, leading to a shift from the traditional physician compensation model toward a new focus on quality outcomes. With VBR becoming less a matter of “if” and more of “when,” savvy physician practices are beginning to familiarize themselves with how it works so they can make the transition more smoothly when the time comes. This article discusses several potential VBR compensation models and how to prepare for them.

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