Showing 1–16 of 22 results

  • Share your values with the use of an incentive trust

    March / April 2024
    Newsletter: Tax Impact

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 553

    Abstract: Those who have worked a lifetime and built up a substantial amount of wealth may be uncertain about how family members will handle inheritances. This article details why incentive trusts may be the right vehicle to share one’s values with heirs.

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  • Don’t go phish: How to reduce your risk of cyberattacks

    Summer 2021
    Newsletter: Law Firm Management

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 553

    Abstract: Phishing schemes have been a threat for years. But the pandemic seems to have intensified the risk, with criminals putting new twists on their approaches. Among other developments, law firms increasingly are targeted, due to their wealth of confidential information and the high value firms place on their reputations. This article reviews phishing basics and the security measures firms can take to avoid being scammed.

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  • How to uncover hidden liabilities in financial statements

    October / November 2020
    Newsletter: Commercial Lending Report

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 553

    Abstract: When applying for loans, borrowers may try to appear more attractive to lenders by failing to disclose unfavorable financial information. But lenders have the responsibility to look further than financial statements to ensure they have everything they need to make a sound lending decision. This article explains how lenders can search for undisclosed liabilities and risks. It notes the importance of working with an accounting professional and the borrower’s management team to find and resolve any issues before the risks of a loan outweigh the rewards.

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  • Rightsizing your board: How many directors do you really need?

    Summer 2019
    Newsletter: Profitable Solutions for Nonprofits

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 553

    Abstract: State law typically sets the minimum number of directors a not-for-profit must have on its board. But as long as that requirement is fulfilled, it’s up to each organization to determine how many total board members it needs. This article explores the pros and cons of small vs. large boards, factors to consider and how to downsize.

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  • Rental real estate investors get guidance on pass-through deductions

    Summer 2019
    Newsletter: Management & Tax Concepts

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 553

    Abstract: The IRS has provided welcome guidance to rental real estate investors seeking to take advantage of the new Section 199A “pass-through” deduction. Notice 2019-07 establishes a safe harbor under which qualifying rental real estate enterprises will be treated as a “trade or business” eligible for the deduction. This article explains the requirements for safe harbor and options available to investors who don’t meet the safe harbor requirements.

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  • How to manage employees of different ages with insight

    May / June 2019
    Newsletter: Dealer Insights

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 553

    Abstract: Your dealership’s employees likely represent a mix of age groups. Successfully managing employees across generations requires understanding generational trends while avoiding broad stereotypes. This article discusses traits to keep in mind about Baby Boomers, Generation X members, Millennials and Generation Z members — and suggests some fine-tuning in strategies that managers may want to make.

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  • Weigh the tax impact of income vs. growth when investing

    March 2019
    Newsletter: Tax & Business Alert

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 553

    Abstract: As the 2018 tax-filing season heats up, investors need to consider whether their objectives have changed and how the state of their portfolios will impact their tax liability. This article discusses important issues such as dividends and timing. A sidebar looks at why it’s important for an investor to re-evaluate their investment portfolio to consider whether their objectives have changed.

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  • Don’t let your company become a cyber target

    November / December 2018
    Newsletter: Contractor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 553

    Abstract: Hackers are only interested in organizations such as banks and retail chains that store the sensitive data of millions of customers, right? Not necessarily. As the construction process grows more reliant on the Internet, contractors can become cyber targets, too. This article discusses the why and how of cyberattacks and what construction companies can do to fight back.

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  • Double whammy – “Sex plus age” theory is tested in court

    July / August 2018
    Newsletter: Employment Law Briefing

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 553

    Abstract: The “sex plus age” theory is a relatively new approach to arguing that an employer has discriminated against an employee. Some courts have accepted the theory, but the Fifth Circuit decision in Dawn Best v. William Johnson proves that there’s no judicial consensus. This article summarizes the case and the court’s reasoning. Dawn Best v. William Johnson, No. 17-60044, Feb. 7, 2018 (5th Cir.)

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  • We’re covered, right? Additional insured provision doesn’t guarantee protection

    Winter 2018
    Newsletter: Construction Industry Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 553

    Abstract: Construction subcontracts often contain provisions requiring a subcontractor to name additional insureds under its commercial general liability policy. But the existence of such a provision is no guarantee that another contractor is indeed protected. This article reviews a recent case demonstrating this danger and offers tips on how to determine one’s level of protection. Cincinnati Insurance Co. v. Harleysville Insurance Co., No. 16-3929-cv (L), October 4, 2017 (2nd Cir.)

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  • Put CRM software to work for your firm

    Summer 2016
    Newsletter: Law Firm Management

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 553

    Abstract: To be competitive, law firms need to take advantage of tools such as customer relationship management (CRM) software. This article explains how CRM software helps attorneys connect with clients and provides tips on firmwide implementation.

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  • Juggling family wealth management is no trick

    May 2016
    Newsletter: Tax & Business Alert

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 553

    Abstract: Preserving and managing family wealth requires addressing a number of major issues. Juggling these competing demands is no trick. Rather, doing so requires a carefully thought-out family wealth management plan. This article describes many of the foundational aspects of such a strategy.

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  • Critical comments lead to age discrimination lawsuit

    November / December 2015
    Newsletter: Employment Law Briefing

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 553

    Abstract: A supervisor’s ill-timed disapproving remarks about an employment process can be misconstrued by an employee and expose the organization to legal repercussions. This article describes a case in which an appeals court considered whether, as the plaintiff argued, the critical comments of a manager demonstrated age-based stereotyping in violation of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA).

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  • Understanding the new fraud self-disclosure protocol

    Winter 2014
    Newsletter: Healthcare Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 553

    Abstract: The Office of Inspector General (OIG) has issued a new Self-Disclosure Protocol (SDP) for violations of federal fraud and abuse laws that substantially revises the prior protocol published in 1998. This article discusses the benefits (and some caveats) of self-disclosure, along with several of the most common issues providers disclose under the SDP.

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  • No laughing matter – Life insurance remains a critical need

    Fall 2013
    Newsletter: Management & Tax Concepts

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 553

    Abstract: Life insurance may have a dull reputation that makes it the butt of many jokes. But its ability to provide coverage in case of emergencies and potentially hold value for investment planning purposes is no laughing matter. This article discusses the pros and cons of term life insurance and the value of whole life policies, which provide both an insurance component and an investment component.

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  • Carbon tax 101 – Understanding the potential effects of “cap and trade”

    Fall 2013
    Newsletter: Manufacturer

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 553

    Abstract: Once a bipartisan idea that passed the U.S. House of Representatives in 2009, a carbon tax — also referred to as “cap and trade” — has been shelved since the recession took hold four years ago. An economic resurgence in the United States, however, is expected to breathe new life into the proposal, which would set the nation’s carbon dioxide emissions at specific levels and force energy-dependent industries to pay extra for exceeding their allotment. This article describes the findings of a National Association of Manufacturers report predicting that “the adverse effects of the imposition of such a tax would outweigh any benefits.”

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