Showing 17–22 of 22 results

  • Partnership power – Cause marketing can boost your charity’s profile

    Winter 2014
    Newsletter: Nonprofit Observer

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 550

    Abstract: One source of support many charities may not have seriously considered is a corporate partnership known as cause marketing. Although corporations and nonprofits have been teaming up for mutual benefit for decades, cause marketing is gaining new popularity in the Internet age. This article looks at different forms of cause marketing, such as transactional giving, message promotion, and licensing.

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  • Sorting through restatements – Sometimes financial restatements simply correct mistakes

    Spring 2012
    Newsletter: Community Banking Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 550

    Abstract: Mistakes on borrowers’ financial statements, requiring financial restatement, can happen. But financial restatements can also be a red flag for fraud or misrepresentation. It’s a challenge for any lender to determine which is which. This article uses a hypothetical situation describing a company that innocently made mistakes, resulting in a costly restatement before it was able to successfully complete a public offering. The article also describes some of the leading causes of financial restatements.

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  • Money doesn’t grow on trees — Help your children acquire a saving and investing mindset

    January / February 2012
    Newsletter: Planning for Prosperity / Wealth Management Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 550

    Abstract: It might be tough to convince children who are growing up in relative affluence of the importance of saving and investing. But they can have a rude awakening once they’re on their own. This article offers tips for teaching children how to respect the value of money. This includes having them earn their own money; showing them the value of compounding; and letting them help build an age-appropriate portfolio.

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  • Charitable IRA rollover: A limited time offer

    October / November 2011
    Newsletter: Insight on Estate Planning

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 550

    Abstract: Last year’s tax relief legislation extended several expiring tax breaks, including tax-free treatment of charitable IRA rollovers — formally called “qualified charitable distributions” — by taxpayers age 70½ or older. But taxpayers have only until the end of 2011 to take advantage of this break. This article discusses charitable IRA rollover requirements and the circumstances under which a rollover may (or may not) be advantageous.

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  • Audited financial statements – First impressions

    Spring 2010
    Newsletter: Profitable Solutions for Nonprofits

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 550

    Abstract: To impress potential lenders and funders, it’s important for a nonprofit organization to show that it measures its financial health with care and frequency. Presenting timely audited financial statements upfront can make the difference between being turned down for a loan and getting one. It’s essential, though, to understand the different roles of the auditor and the board, and to be knowledgeable about different financial statement formats.

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  • Selling a home in today’s market

    February / March 2008
    Newsletter: Focus

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 550

    Abstract: Slumping sales in the single-family home real estate market is a reason for concern for anyone needing to sell their home. This article offers some practical advice for getting your home in marketable condition. Plus, it offers options to consider if it doesn’t sell quickly, such as selling to a real estate investor, auctioning it off or leasing it out.

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