Showing all 4 results
Estate Planning Pitfall – Your estate is tied too closely to specific gifts
Year End 2022
Newsletter: Insight on Estate Planning
Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50
Word count: 350
Abstract: A person’s will is designed to provide for the disposition of his or her possessions and tie up any loose ends in the estate. To accomplish these goals, one may include specific bequests to named beneficiaries. However, doing so may result in unintended outcomes. This brief article illustrates this point using two fictional scenarios.
DOL stresses plan auditor experience
April / May 2016
Newsletter: Employee Benefits Update
Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50
Word count: 350
Abstract: Generally, plans with at least 100 participants must provide an audit report when filing IRS Form 5500. A recent analysis of private audits of Forms 5500 conducted by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) suggests the importance of ensuring that a plan’s audit is conducted by a well-qualified auditing firm. This brief article highlights the DOL’s findings.
Estate Planning Pitfall — Your family doesn’t know where to find your records
October / November 2012
Newsletter: Insight on Estate Planning
Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50
Word count: 350
Abstract: If a person dies suddenly, family members will need to know where to locate his or her will, trusts, life insurance policies and other critical estate planning documents — along with bank and brokerage accounts, IRAs or other qualified retirement plans, mortgages and other loans, real estate documents, tax records, and automobile titles. This article offers a list of tips for keeping important documents secure and accessible.
21st century financial services – Go online to manage your personal finances
November / December 2009
Newsletter: Planning for Prosperity / Wealth Management Advisor
Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50
Word count: 350
Abstract: Today, the Internet affects almost all facets of many people’s lives, including managing their personal finances. There’s a wealth of information literally at one’s fingertips, including current bank account balances and up-to-the-minute stock prices. Two important vehicles for online management are banking sites and podcasts.