Showing all 7 results

  • Tax Calendar

    July 2024
    Newsletter: Tax & Business Alert

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 272

    Abstract: This calendar notes important tax deadlines for the third quarter of 2024.

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  • Tax Calendar

    July 2023
    Newsletter: Tax & Business Alert

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 272

    Abstract: This calendar notes important tax deadlines for the third quarter of 2023.

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  • Estate Planning Pitfall – You don’t meet the tax requirements for splitting gifts

    June / July 2021
    Newsletter: Insight on Estate Planning

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 272

    Abstract: The annual gift tax exclusion is a powerful tool in the estate planning toolbox. By using the annual exclusion, a person doesn’t owe any gift tax on amounts transferred to another person up to a specified limit. The limit is $15,000 per recipient for 2021 (the same as it was in 2020). Even better, taxpayers can double their tax pleasure by “splitting gifts” with their spouse. This brief article explains the tax requirements necessary to split gifts.

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  • Estate Planning Red Flag – You’re lending money to a family member

    November / December 2015
    Newsletter: Estate Planner

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 272

    Abstract: When a family member is in financial need, a natural response may be to make a loan by writing a check. But while an informal approach may feel comfortable, it pays to take steps to formalize the transaction. Why? For one thing, the IRS tends to view undocumented loans as disguised gifts. This brief article explains steps to take to ensure the IRS views the loan as bona fide.

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  • Unneeded life insurance policies could be a significant source of cash

    September 2014
    Newsletter: Tax & Business Alert

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 272

    Abstract: Circumstances change and sometimes people find that they no longer need, or perhaps can no longer afford, life insurance policies that were taken out several years ago. This article explains why selling a policy can sometimes net the policyholder a sufficient sum that’s far in excess of a whole life policy’s cash surrender value or a term policy’s unearned premium.

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  • Claiming the health insurance contribution tax credit

    April / May 2011
    Newsletter: Employee Benefits Update

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 272

    Abstract: Although there was much ado about the health care legislation passed last year, a potential tax credit available to eligible small employers that provide health insurance coverage to their employees has received relatively little attention. This credit is available starting with tax years beginning in 2010. This brief article highlights which employers can claim the credit and how to claim it.

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  • Are your prices right? Reassessing your pricing strategy can pay dividends

    Fall 2010
    Newsletter: Manufacturer

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 272

    Abstract: Layoffs, hiring freezes, and pay and budget cuts were the go-to survival tactics during the economic downturn. In the midst of this downsizing frenzy, many manufacturers neglected to reassess their pricing strategy. Doing so can help companies remain profitable and competitive in good times and bad. This article briefly discusses the steps involved.

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