Showing all 2 results
Occupational hazards: An internal fraud update
January / February 2009
Newsletter: Valuation & Litigation Briefing / Litigation & Valuation Report
Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50
Word count: 1149
Abstract: This brief article highlights some recent trends found in the Report to the Nation on Occupational Fraud & Abuse published in 2008 by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). These trends include a rise, since 2006, from 5% to 7% in occupational fraud in U.S. organizations. In addition, the report notes that small businesses continue to be more vulnerable to fraud and that the industries most often hit include banking and financial services, government and health care.
Gift acceptance policies – Knowing when to say “no”
October / November 2008
Newsletter: Nonprofit Agendas
Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50
Word count: 1149
Abstract: Would your organization ever turn down a charitable gift donation? If your answer is “no,” you should step back and reconsider. Lawsuits and bad press are among the consequences of not having thought through the acceptance of gifts. This article details factors to consider when forming an essential gift-acceptance policy. (Updated 2/20/12)