Showing all 2 results
By the book – Setting executive compensation correctly
Summer 2009
Newsletter: Profitable Solutions for Nonprofits
Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50
Word count: 1087
Abstract: Overpaying executives is a sizzling topic this year, as legislators — and the public — fume over salaries in the financial, automotive and other industries getting federal bailout dollars. In the nonprofit arena, the IRS, too, is cracking down on salaries it considers unreasonable and is requiring stringent information about compensation on the new Form 990. To protect yourself from sanctions, you need to make sure that your board of directors, at the time it sets an executive salary, arrives at a “reasonable” amount based on comparables for similar positions and adequately documents that research. And, if compensation is above the norm, you need to be ready to justify it. Follow the tips in this article — and in a sidebar listing often-overlooked compensation items — to avoid trouble with Uncle Sam.
Electronic discovery: Federal Rules meet the 21st century
July / August 2009
Newsletter: Viewpoint on Value
Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50
Word count: 1087
Abstract: Most businesses create and retain information in some type of electronic format, which may include e-mails, spreadsheets, voice mails and accounting records. And all of this electronically stored information (ESI) could be relevant in a lawsuit. The federal judiciary’s Civil Rules Advisory Committee recently amended the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP). The new rules, which took effect in December 2006 and govern ESI, provide litigants with a cost-effective, timely way to share data. This article looks at how valuation experts can help attorneys address such issues as potential sources of electronic data, control concerns, preferred formats for electronic documents, and ESI preservation and authentication. A sidebar outlines an 11-point checklist for authenticating electronic records.