Showing 129–144 of 398 results

  • Construction Success Story – Preparing for a project owner’s audit

    November / December 2018
    Newsletter: Contractor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 447

    Abstract: This issue’s “Construction Success Story” features an asphalt contractor who was looking to expand from smaller privately funded projects to larger public jobs. One of his many concerns was the prospect of a project owner auditing a job and his company. So, he consulted with his CPA, who explained to him what such audits might entail and how to best prepare for them.

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  • In construction, dispute resolution is a many-splendored thing

    November / December 2018
    Newsletter: Contractor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 654

    Abstract: In the construction industry, disputes often arise between contractors and owners or with other parties. In such situations, construction companies may encounter a number of dispute resolution methods along with potential litigation. This article reviews these methods, providing key details about each.

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  • Don’t let your company become a cyber target

    November / December 2018
    Newsletter: Contractor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 553

    Abstract: Hackers are only interested in organizations such as banks and retail chains that store the sensitive data of millions of customers, right? Not necessarily. As the construction process grows more reliant on the Internet, contractors can become cyber targets, too. This article discusses the why and how of cyberattacks and what construction companies can do to fight back.

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  • How sound are your financial statements? Don’t underestimate their inherent informative value

    November / December 2018
    Newsletter: Contractor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 931

    Abstract: Many contractors may not fully realize how much important and useful information is in their financial statements ― information that is of special interest to lenders, sureties and investors. But what condition are those reports in? This article explains how to get the most from financial statements. A sidebar describes the role of these statements in strategic planning.

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  • Construction Success Story – Greener projects lead general contractor to an EMS

    September / October 2018
    Newsletter: Contractor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 458

    Abstract: This issue’s “Construction Success Story” features a general contractor who had lost too much money to fines and high costs on green projects. During a financial planning meeting, she mentioned these high costs to her CPA. He had an idea: Design and implement an environmental management system to systematically manage sustainable best practices both on jobsites and throughout the company.

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  • Get ready to put TCJA’s depreciation breaks into action

    September / October 2018
    Newsletter: Contractor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 654

    Abstract: Taking full advantage of depreciation tax breaks is a time-honored tradition for construction company owners. And this year is no different — in fact, it’s even more potentially beneficial under the changes wrought by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). This article explores the latest details of Section 179 expensing and the bonus depreciation deduction.

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  • Gearing up for the Internet of Things

    September / October 2018
    Newsletter: Contractor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 548

    Abstract: Just as the Internet has changed how humans interact, the Internet of Things (IoT) is beginning to change the way inanimate objects communicate with one another and how we interact with those objects. Indeed, these capabilities are becoming more widely used by developers and project owners. This article explains what contractors need to know about the IoT and how they might use it to their benefit.

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  • From enemy to ally – Recognizing and accounting for indirect costs

    September / October 2018
    Newsletter: Contractor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 888

    Abstract: In today’s construction industry, every project must be held accountable for its own expenses — in as much detail as possible. Thus, contractors need to systematically identify and account for indirect costs to ensure they see the true cost of each project. This article explains how to define, identify, allocate and contain indirect costs. A sidebar looks at a way to keep overhead expenses from getting out of control.

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  • Construction Success Story – Demolishing paper piles with document control software

    July / August 2018
    Newsletter: Contractor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 449

    Abstract: This issue’s “Construction Success Story” features a demolition contractor who had become overwhelmed by the myriad of documents involved with even his most modest projects. He realized he needed to buy a comprehensive electronic system to assist him. For help, he visited his CPA, who advised him on some key criteria for making a smart purchase.

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  • Preconstruction should concentrate on major issues

    July / August 2018
    Newsletter: Contractor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 547

    Abstract: Preconstruction can make the difference between a project’s success or failure — and a contractor’s profit or loss. A methodical approach helps anticipate problems and address them before they interfere with the work in progress. This article reviews some of the most important aspects of preconstruction, including setting the budget and perfecting the schedule.

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  • Think outside the box when it comes to succession planning

    July / August 2018
    Newsletter: Contractor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 691

    Abstract: When pondering how to exit their company, most construction business owners understandably think of themselves. But, when looking to maximize the value of the business and ensure it stays in good hands, it can be helpful to envision the company from an outsider’s perspective. This article explores this concept, delving into matters such as choosing an exit strategy and preserving cash flow.

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  • Subcontractor focus – How to better manage your distinctive financial challenges

    July / August 2018
    Newsletter: Contractor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 904

    Abstract: Subcontractors face a distinctive set of financial challenges when they’re brought into a project. It’s important for them, as business owners, to occasionally reassess these factors and how they’re affecting their companies’ success. This article discusses the role of subcontractors and the importance of strong credit. A sidebar looks at why subcontractors should approach payment disputes with general contractors reasonably.

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  • Construction Success Story – Jobsite cameras do a whole lot of good

    May / June 2018
    Newsletter: Contractor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 437

    Abstract: This issue’s “Construction Success Story” features a general contractor who was short on project managers and suffered from safety foibles and jobsite thefts. After discussing these challenges with his CPA, the two of them came up with a solution: jobsite cameras. Following thoughtful due diligence and the development of a carefully calculated budget, a purchase was made.

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  • Buy-sell agreements require regular maintenance

    May / June 2018
    Newsletter: Contractor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 658

    Abstract: Most companies with more than one owner should enter into a buy-sell agreement, including construction businesses. Once it’s drawn up, the agreement should be reviewed periodically to ensure it still suits ownership’s needs. This article describes some of the important things to check up on, including the purpose, triggers, structure and funding mechanisms.

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  • Avoiding project delays and getting back on track

    May / June 2018
    Newsletter: Contractor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 529

    Abstract: “Expecting the worst and hoping for the best” is a valid approach to construction. By understanding why projects most often bog down, and recognizing some early warning signs, contractors can put themselves in a better position to turn things around. This article describes a few common causes of job delays and suggests some steps to take should a project slowdown occur.

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  • Know your worth – Valuation insights can be priceless

    May / June 2018
    Newsletter: Contractor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 967

    Abstract: Many construction company owners underestimate the value of their business. This is partly because the valuation process itself is often shrouded in mystery. This article takes a detailed look at one approach to appraising a construction company — using five years’ worth of financial data to project future cash inflows. A sidebar urges contractors to practice discretion when undergoing a valuation.

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