Showing 81–96 of 259 results

  • Bank Wire – FinCEN creates exception to Beneficial Ownership Rule

    Winter 2019
    Newsletter: Community Banking Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 420

    Abstract: This summary of recent developments in banking discusses the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network’s (FinCEN’s) attempt to combat money laundering and other fraudulent activities via its recent Beneficial Ownership Rule. It also notes that some lenders are considering the use of alternative data to expand access to credit for people with thin credit histories or negative items on their credit reports, and explains that the federal banking agencies have clarified that supervisory guidance “does not have the force and effect of law.”

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  • Growing pains – 5 tips for boosting core deposits

    Winter 2019
    Newsletter: Community Banking Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 618

    Abstract: As interest rates continue to rise, competition among banks for core deposits is heating up. This creates a challenge for community banks striving to grow their core deposits to fund lending activities. This article offers five tips for attracting core deposits while keeping costs under control, such as the need to avoid short-term fixes, focus on service and specialize.

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  • Keeping due diligence on the front burner

    Winter 2019
    Newsletter: Community Banking Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 707

    Abstract: Every banker knows the importance of due diligence in determining whether to make a loan. This article suggests some due diligence steps to take to help lenders dig deeper and ensure the bank’s loan portfolio is more secure. These steps include assessing risk from many angles and evaluating the reliability of the financial information a borrower provides. The article points out that, to minimize the potential for problems down the line, uncertainty needs to be quantified, documented and analyzed.

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  • Do you need a bank holding company?

    Winter 2019
    Newsletter: Community Banking Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 813

    Abstract: For years, the vast majority of U.S. banks have used a bank holding company (BHC) structure. Recently, however, several prominent regional banks have elected to shed their BHCs by merging them into their subsidiary banks. This development has many community banks wondering whether the BHC model has become obsolete. This article discusses the pros and cons of using the BHC structure. A sidebar looks at the advantages of small BHC status.

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  • Bank Wire – Fed launches new consumer compliance publication

    Fall 2018
    Newsletter: Community Banking Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 438

    Abstract: This summary of recent developments in banking discusses a new consumer compliance publication put out by the Federal Reserve Board that provides clarity in interpreting consumer protection regulations. It also notes that the federal banking agencies recently raised the threshold for commercial real estate (CRE) transactions requiring an appraisal from $250,000 to $500,000 and suggests that it’s important for lenders considering working with loan participations to work closely with legal and financial advisors to manage the risks involved.

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  • Noninterest income can keep your bank on course

    Fall 2018
    Newsletter: Community Banking Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 707

    Abstract: Banks sometimes need to focus on noninterest income because interest income isn’t always enough to maintain a steady and secure bottom line. This article lists the sources of noninterest income, including deposit service charges, loan origination and servicing fees, overdraft and NSF charges, and gains on sales of loans and investment securities. The article notes that it’s important for banks to supplement interest income with other income streams.

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  • Should you partner with a fintech company?

    Fall 2018
    Newsletter: Community Banking Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 530

    Abstract: Community banks that fail to deliver the digital products and services their customers demand will get left behind. This article explains how banks can partner with fintech companies to develop innovative, customized digital services. The article points out that banks cite several benefits to collaboration, including improving their ability to offer online services — in particular, more convenient and reliable mobile platforms — decreasing technology costs and allowing them to offer lower lending rates.

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  • Vendor risk management – Time to review your program

    Fall 2018
    Newsletter: Community Banking Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 923

    Abstract: Banks rely on third-party vendors for a range of services. Managing the risks associated with outside vendors is key, because such parties are considered an extension of bank personnel. This article offers suggestions about how banks can minimize exposure by conducting a risk assessment, vetting service providers and using clearly defined contracts, among other strategies. A brief sidebar looks at common weaknesses in vendor risk management programs.

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  • Bank Wire – Growing pains: What if your bank’s assets cross the $500 million and $1 billion thresholds?

    Summer 2018
    Newsletter: Community Banking Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 479

    Abstract: This summary of recent developments in banking looks at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act rules for banks with assets between $500 million and $1 billion, including the fact that such banks must provide audited comparative financial statements to the relevant federal regulator and comply with stricter auditor independence standards. The article also discusses whether marijuana businesses can provide opportunities for community banks, and lists some red flags for possible disaster-relief fraud.

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  • CECL’s impact on bank acquisitions

    Summer 2018
    Newsletter: Community Banking Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 606

    Abstract: As the effective date of the new Current Expected Credit Loss (CECL) model approaches, most banks are focusing on adoption of the new standard and making the changes necessary for a smooth transition. But for banks that plan to grow via acquisition, it’s also important to consider how the standard will affect their accounting for loans and other financial instruments acquired in these transactions. This article discusses CECL’s impact on acquisition accounting and the additional due diligence required.

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  • How to develop a customer retention program

    Summer 2018
    Newsletter: Community Banking Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 597

    Abstract: In the current competitive banking market, it’s important for community banks to recognize that customers need more than the typical products and usual services as an incentive to choose their banks over others. This article looks at the strategies banks can implement to help attract customers and retain them over time, including analyzing core deposits and encouraging front-line employees to engage in relationship building. The article notes that a bank that identifies, and meets, current and potential customers’ needs is likely to generate a stable customer base.

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  • What’s the cost of BSA/AML failures? Avoiding penalties with a comprehensive program

    Summer 2018
    Newsletter: Community Banking Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 917

    Abstract: Recent trends in Bank Secrecy Act / Anti-Money Laundering (BSA/AML) enforcement demonstrate how important it is for a bank to maintain a BSA/AML compliance program that’s commensurate with its risk. This article notes the steps required to maintain a comprehensive program and the penalties for failing to do so. The article also explains common compliance deficiencies, such as the failure to meet reporting and information-sharing obligations and to maintain adequate internal controls. A sidebar discusses how a community bank can conduct a risk assessment.

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  • Bank Wire – Dot-bank domain name offers improved security

    Spring 2018
    Newsletter: Community Banking Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 458

    Abstract: This summary of recent developments in banking looks at how banks can take advantage of the dot-bank top-level domain to enhance security for banking customers. In addition, the article offers insight into how examiners will assess the accuracy of Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data. Finally, it takes note of a recent FinCEN advisory that warns banks about the dangers of email compromise fraud schemes involving wire transfers.

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  • Recognizing the warning signs for liquidity risk

    Spring 2018
    Newsletter: Community Banking Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 614

    Abstract: According to regulatory reports, liquidity risk has been increasing in recent years for “smaller” banks (those with assets under $10 billion). Reasons for this trend include loan growth accompanied by shrinking liquid asset holdings and increasing reliance on noncore and wholesale sources. This article discusses elements of sound liquidity risk management, including ensuring effective board and management oversight, adopting appropriate strategies, policies, procedures and limits to manage and mitigate liquidity risk, and implementing appropriate liquidity risk measurement and monitoring systems.

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  • Enough vs. too much – Help borrowers understand their working capital needs

    Spring 2018
    Newsletter: Community Banking Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 590

    Abstract: Business owners need to understand how various aspects of their operations, such as accounts payable, help or hinder working capital maintenance. This article points out that it’s important for lenders and banks to carefully evaluate the soundness of potential borrowers’ working capital management methods and become familiar with the latest capital management strategies and practices. Taking an active role in offering working capital advice can help lenders ensure their borrowers remain good credit risks over the long term.

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  • What’s the impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on community banks?

    Spring 2018
    Newsletter: Community Banking Advisor

    Price: $225.00, Subscriber Price: $157.50

    Word count: 946

    Abstract: Last year’s tax reform legislation — the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) — represents the most significant overhaul of the Internal Revenue Code in decades. This article provides a summary of the provisions that are most relevant to community banks, such as the corporate tax rate reduction and a new limit on net business interest expense deductibility. A sidebar discusses some provisions that didn’t make it into the final bill.

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